Gold Coast Guinea Pig Rescue Inc

Gold Coast Guinea Pig Rescue is a not for profit organisation whose aim is to elevate the status of guinea pigs from being seen as "disposable pets" to becoming valued, respected, understood and appreciated. Email:

Gold Coast Guinea Pig Rescue began as a small shelter in the back garden of a suburban block of flats in Southport in December 2005. The shelter was started in response to the large number of guinea pigs being surrendered to the Animal Welfare League. I was a volunteer at AWL at the time, helping with the cats, and when I realised the enormity of the problem in regard to guinea pigs I felt I had to do something about it. I'd never had guinea pigs as pets but as an allround animal lover I couldn't bear to see these little creatures just abandoned. The shelter is expanding as rapidly as the limited space and resources will allow.

Ms Alex Winterford

The shelter was forced to vacate it's Southport premises by 31st December 2012 due to just one complaint from a neighbour. At the time of writing - 15th March 2013 - a new location is yet to be found. Until such time as we can reopen, many of our guinea pigs are out in foster homes while a small number are being cared for in my own home. If you are interested in adopting please contact

Whilst we are a not-for-profit organisation I realise there are many charities and non-profit orgs competing for donations from the public. My aim has always been to try and make the shelter self-supporting and to this end I make and sell my own guinea pig food, bagged hay and straw, plus the full range of Oxbow products, small animal products and accessories. I also devote a lot of time to fundraising and attending local markets. I also provide services such as piggy pampering (includes shampoo, nail clip and mite/worming treatment if desired) and boarding. It is my belief that just because an org is run as a not-for-profit it doesn't mean you can't make a profit, as long as the profits are put back into the running of the shelter.

Non-profit organization